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INSPIRE - Infrastructure for Spatial information in the European Community, the common rules for establishing it mainly for supporting the environmental and other policies influencing the environment are given in the Directive 2007/2/ES. The scope of spatial data is a part of the Annex to the Directive 2007/2/ES.

The Directive has been implemented via the Act Nr. 3080/2009 Coll., amending the Act Nr. 123/1998 Coll., on the Freedom of Access to Information about the Environment and the Act Nr. 200/1994 Coll., on Land Surveying.

Obligations following from the Act Nr. 123/1998 Coll.:

  1. Creation and updating of the metadata for spatial data sets and network services based on them
  2. Harmonization of the data sets corresponding with the Directive themes
  3. Creation of interoperable network services
  4. Harmonization of data sets and services provision – implementation of licence agreements
  5. Provide information about the infrastructure – Monitoring reports

Obligations following from the Act Nr. 200/1994 Coll.:
Create and administer following spatial data for the Infrastructure for Spatial Information:

  1. basic state map series for public use,
  2. geodetic data about geodetic control facilities,
  3. database,
  4. ortophotographic depiction of the whole state territory,
  5. geographic names database.

ČÚZK branch has following roles in the INSPIRE infrastructure:

  • Member of advisory group of the European Commission regarding the INSPIRE implementation (MIF)
  • Second vice-president of KOVIN (Coordination Committee of the Infrastructure for Spatial information in the European Community)
  • Leadership of the technical workgroup (TPS) Data Sharing (licensing, data sharing conditions, legislation)
  • Leadership of the technical workgroup (TPS) Data (interoperability, harmonization, data specifications and data quality)

ČÚZK branch administers the data sets for the themes:

Annex I

Annex II

Annex III

Related legislation

Last update: 19.04.2022
Last revision:
Author: 95