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Imperial Imprints of the Stable Cadastre - Bohemia

Imperial Imprints of the Stable Cadastre - Moravia and Silesia

Toposections 1:25 000 from the Third Military Mapping

Collection of maps and plans until 1850  

State Map 1:5000

State Map 1:5000-derived - S-1952

Raster data of new form SM 5

Special Maps from the Third Military Mapping

Topographic Maps of the General Staff of the Czechoslovak Army 1 : 5000

Topographic Maps of the General Staff of the Czechoslovak Army 1 : 10 000

Topographic Maps of the General Staff of the Czechoslovak Army 1 : 25 000

Topographic Maps of the General Staff of the Czechoslovak Army 1 : 50 000

Topographic Maps of the General Staff of the Czechoslovak Army 1 : 100 000

Topographic Maps of the General Staff of the Czechoslovak Army 1 : 200 000

Topographic Maps of the General Staff of the Czechoslovak Army 1 : 500 000

Maps of the Registry of Real Estates 1 : 2 880 - Bohemia

Maps of the Registry of Real Estates 1 : 2 880 - Moravia and Silesia

Maps of Cultivation of the Stable Cadastre 1837-1844

Original maps of the Stable Cadastre 1:2 880 – Bohemia

Cadastral correction sheets 1:2880 – Bohemia

Cadastral correction sheets 1:2880 – Moravia and Silesia

Basic map ČR 1:10 000

Basic map ČR 1:25 000

Basic map ČR 1:50 000

Basic map ČR 1:100 000

Basic map ČR 1:200 000

Maps of the former land cadastre


Maps of Cultivation of the Stable Cadastre 1837-1844

Map of Cultivation displayes an area extent of existing cultivations in Bohemia in the range of years 1837 – 1844 in approximate scale 1 : 36 000. Some cultivations are distinguished by color- fields (white), grazings, meadows and gardens (green), vineyard and hop garden (pink with different symbol), woods (grey). It also contains soil quality classes in range from I to IV (this information is missed for some cadastre units and for some woods). There are depicted village cadastral bordelines (black dotted line with yellow edging), district bordelines (the then 16 districts, red), provincial borderlines (green and yellow) and dominion borderlines (red). Farmyards, mill houses and other economic objects as paper mills, brick factory etc. and some castles are also included. Altimetry is missing with the exception of important peaks or other terrain structures, where a primitive hatching is applied.

Data identification

Source name: Maps of Cultivation of the Stable Cadastre 1837-1844
Alternative name:
Reference datum
Reference date: 2016-11-30
Event: revision
Data identifier
Unique identifier:
Unique identifier: 6381901
Contact to the organisation responsible for the data
Person name: Kronus, Miroslav, RNDr.
Name of the organisation: Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre
Responsible organisation information
Contact phone
Phone: +420 284 041 111
Fax: +420 284 041 416
Delivery place: Pod sídlištěm 1800/9
City: Praha 8
ZIP code: 182 11
Country: Czech Republic
Online source
Contact hours: Mo-Fr 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM CET
Supplementary information:
Role: custodian
Other information:
Abstract: Map of Cultivation displayes an area extent of existing cultivations in Bohemia in the range of years 1837 – 1844 in approximate scale 1 : 36 000. Some cultivations are distinguished by color- fields (white), grazings, meadows and gardens (green), vineyard and hop garden (pink with different symbol), woods (grey). It also contains soil quality classes in range from I to IV (this information is missed for some cadastre units and for some woods). There are depicted village cadastral bordelines (black dotted line with yellow edging), district bordelines (the then 16 districts, red), provincial borderlines (green and yellow) and dominion borderlines (red). Farmyards, mill houses and other economic objects as paper mills, brick factory etc. and some castles are also included. Altimetry is missing with the exception of important peaks or other terrain structures, where a primitive hatching is applied.
Purpose: The data are acquired by scanning of collected archival documents at the Central Archive of Surveying and Cadastre to make the results of extensive land survey and cartographic works from our territory in the past available to experts and laic communities.
Responsible organisation
Person name: Kronus, Miroslav, RNDr.
Name of the organisation: Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre
Responsible organisation information
Contact phone
Phone: +420 284 041 111
Fax: +420 284 041 416
Delivery place: Pod sídlištěm 1800/9
City: Praha 8
ZIP code: 182 11
Country: Czech Republic
Online source
Contact hours: Mo-Fr 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM CET
Supplementary information:
Role: custodian
Maintenance info
Maintenance and update frequency: notPlanned
Date of planned source revision:
Maintenance note: After scanning of the whole data series the update is further terminated; it is an archival document that is not a subject of update.
Keyword: Land cover
Officially registered thesaurus
Reference datum
Reference date: 2008-06-01
Event: publication
Organisation responsible for the thesaurus:
Name of the organisation: Joint Research Centre
Role: pointOfContact
Keyword: preserved map
Officially registered thesaurus
Reference datum
Reference date: 2009-01-01
Event: publication
Organisation responsible for the thesaurus:
Name of the organisation: Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre
Role: pointOfContact
Keyword: archival maps
Keyword: Central Archive of Surveying and Cadastre
Keyword: scale 1:36,000
Officially registered thesaurus
Reference datumOrganisation responsible for the thesaurus:
Source restriction
Data registered in the National Open Data Catalogue: No
Type of spatial representation: grid
Spatial resolution
Correspondent scale
Scale factor: 36000
Source language: cze
Character set: utf8
Thematic category: location
Data extension
Extent information:
Geographic limitations
Minimal bounding box
Westernmost coordinate: 12.09
Easternmost coordinate: 18.86
Southernmost coordinate: 48.55
Northernmost coordinate: 51.06
Time extent 1837 - 1844
Altitude extension
Minimal value:
Maximal value:
Vertical datum:

Reference system (horizontal, vertical or temporal)

Coordinate reference system identifier
Reference system citation
Source name: Gusterberg (Ferro)
Alternative name: Gusterberg datum of the Stable Cadastre
Reference date
Reference date: 2017-03-03
Event: revision
Other information: The reference system is used for visualisation of the map contents. Scanned data are not transformed to any datum.


Distribution formate
Name: JPEG
Contact information:
Name of the organisation: Land Survey Office
Responsible organisation information
Contact phone
Phone: +420 284 041 605
Phone: +420 284 041 111
Fax: +420 284 041 416
Delivery place: Pod sídlištěm 1800/9
City: Praha 8
ZIP code: 182 11
Country: Czech Republic
Online source
Contact hours: Mo-Fr 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM CET
Supplementary information:
Role: distributor
Means of order
Charges: According to Regulation No 645/2004 Sb.
Transfer possibilities
Units of distribution: map sheet of Map of Cultuvation of the Stable cadastre 1837 - 1844
Size of transfer unit in MB: 5
Name: dvd

Data quality

Level of scope
Quality description level: series
Report - INSPIRE compliance
Test identifier: CZ-00025712-CUZK_MKULS-R-DQ_DomainConsistency-1
Alternative name: DIRECTIVE 2007/2/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE)
Reference date
Reference date: 2007-04-26
Event: publication
Test description: Data set series conformity testing with INSPIRE implementing rules for spatial data sets and services interoperability.
Degree of conformity: false
Report – completness – omission
Measure name: Evaluation of completeness of Czech Republic territory coverage by the data set series
Measure identification: CZ-00025712-CUZK_MKULS-R-DQ_CompletenessOmission-1
Measure description: Evaluation of completeness of Czech Republic territory coverage by the MKULS-R data set series
Date and time of the measure: 2016-11-30T12:00:00
Test result – quantitative
Value domain: %
Value: 85
Data origin
Data origin information: ÚAZK archival documents scanning.